Reflections on academic discourse in business and economics: Is it smart to invest during an economic crisis ?

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Analyse marketing d'un cas économique en fonction de la crise financière 2009. Ecrit en anglais et surtout dans un anglais académique. Is it smart to invest during an economic crisis ?

Description du document :

Analyse marketing d'un cas économique en fonction de la crise financière 2009.

Ecrit en anglais et surtout dans un anglais académique.

Idéal à s'inspirer si l'on doit rendre un travail pour ses études.

[u]Sujet [/u]: Reflections on academic discourse in business and economics : Is it smart to invest during an economic crisis ?

[u]Extrait [/u]:
Knowing what a crisis is, we can in a second time, try to answer those people’s questions. To be more efficient, two real-life examples that conflict with each other will be given. Such as one example that argues in favour of more investments in education during a crisis, against one that is against fewer investments in education during a crisis. To complete our analysis, at least three concepts of Babbie and Gravetter/Forzano would be applied to our chosen examples [...]


Some countries and governments observed the situation and take some advantages of the financial crisis to invest in the education. That is the first step of the economy empirical system. An appropriate example would be that the government in the United-States is in favor to additional expenditures. The education reform was elaborated by the American policy makers, researchers and the finance minister. They have included some proposals: the uniform standards for preschool programs, the rigorous tests and academic standards [...]

Auteur : Florian V. (13 notes)

Diplômé d'un BAC+5 en marketing et communication, actuellement directeur marketing pour un site ecommerce français.

Sommaire du document :

I) Introduction

II) Body
A. U.S. government example
B. Barro’s point of view.
C. Concepts applied to the cases

III. Conclusion

IV. References


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