Analyse marketing d'une production de lait en Ohio

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Présentation du document :

Document rédigé en anglais qui analyse selon des principes économiques la production du lait dans une entreprise de l'Ohio.

Description du document :

Document rédigé en anglais qui analyse selon des principes économiques la production du lait dans une entreprise de l'Ohio.

Document très bien structuré et développé.

Parfait comme travail en marketing.

[u]Extraits [/u]:
I. Introduction
From 1980 to 1990, thirteen milk diary firms have been accused of collusion and price fixing by the Federal Trade Commission in Ohio. Indeed, every year in the United States of America, during the period between May and August, the Americans dairies compete to supply these schools in milk for one year. Thus this period is very important for the dairies; it represents around 10 percent of their annual capital. These companies want to maximize [...]


Market outcomes are determined by three factors: the nature of demand, the nature of the production process and the nature of competitive interaction among suppliers” (Porter and Zona, 1999). The nature of the demand is easily explainable, it is very inelastic. Figure 1 shows what a perfectly inelastic demand is. Even if price raise, quantity stays the same (Perloff, 2009). For instance, the demand for heroine and medical treatment is perfectly [...]

Auteur : Florian V. (13 notes)

Diplômé d'un BAC+5 en marketing et communication, actuellement directeur marketing pour un site ecommerce français.

Sommaire du document :

Table of content

I) Introduction

II) Market structure: demand and supply
A. Demand
B. Supply

III) Why suppliers use collusion, how and what are the advantages

IV) Economics principles underlying free market applied to the case
A. Facts
B. Consequences

V) Reasons why competition authorities took action

VI) Analyze in economic terms of the collusive bidding behaviour as form of price

VII) Conclusion



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